Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rakhi made everyone pray in a hip-hop style to the towel Ganpati

rakhi_sThe kids arrived with their celebrity parents dressed for the occasion in cute nightdresses. Rakhi had arranged for a super spread that included French fries, French toast, strawberry milkshake and Chinese noodles.

The item girl amused the kids by making an elephant out of a towel, something she learnt during her housekeeping job. She then made everyone pray in a hip-hop style to the towel Ganpati. The kids then played musical chairs and learnt to make different objects with clay. On their demand, Rakhi also did a small jig for them. Elesh added to the fun by jumping all over the house pretending to be a monkey; he also started off a pillow fight with the kids.

There was a surprise in store for Kirti whose celebrity parents, Debina and Gurmeet, got her a cake for her birthday. The kids had a blast and were reluctant to go back to their respective houses the next morning. To watch the fun, tune in to NDTV Imagine every Monday to Friday at 10.30 p.m.

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