Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just A Small Town Girl

I have been eager to leave behind my small town since I can remember, but latelyvery lately, as in the past few monthsI'm beginning to see the charm of small towns. Not my hometown in particular, but quaint Pleasantville communities across America. I think it's mostly because I realize that my daydreams of New York can soon be put into motion, but part of it might also be my recent obsession with two blogs: Selective Potential, which I mentioned here, and Kendi Everyday.

Both girls are incredibly stylish dressers, incredibly sweet writers, and incredibly appreciative small town residents. In her blog, Kendi says, "People think that when you get married and move to a small town, that you should get pregnant. I started a blog. (It's a girl.)" Soon after my parents got married, my mom moved from Houston, Texas to my dad's Missouri hometown of 3,000. I can't even begin to put myself in her shoes (although at the time, I'm sure she was wearing cute Cole Haan loafers... she was pretty preppy in the '80s), but I can almost imagine what it might be like now thanks to these adorable blogs.

Where I want to go hasn't changed, but I'm beginning to think that what matters more than where you live is how you live.