Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Plan B: Dressmaker

Chances are, I'll be an unemployed college graduate come May. As much as I love hearing those happy-go-lucky stories about girls getting their dream job offers on the morning of graduation (Atoosa, I'm lookin' at you)and as optimistic as I amI realize that things like that don't happen in this economy.

If I do find myself with an empty schedule, I have already come up with something more productive than laying around my parent's pool re-reading a stack of my favorite paperbacks (which doesn't sound so bad).

I'm going to dust off my sewing machine and work my way through Built by Wendy Dresses, designer Wendy Mullin's new guide to "making a girl's best frock." That way, when I do find a job (or when I'm forced back to college to get a more practical degree) I'll have a closet full of new dresses.